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Hamilton Island Race Week Forum

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Race Week Forum 

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Rob - (8/08/2022 8:24:27 AM)
Looking for yacht to race/stay aboard on for HIRW
I'm happy to fit into whatever crew position required on any yacht that is racing. Currently skipper of a DK46 in San Diego, CA and have been UCSD Sailing Team coach for 4 years. I'm a professional racing coach for J-105 and other One Design crews. Also, did 11 years coaching for J World San Diego. I've plenty of offshore experience. I'm 60 years old but can still outpace many of the 20 year old's that I coach. I arrive in Brisbane on 17 Aug. and plan on driving up to Airlie Beach ASAP. I'd love to have the opportunity (bucket list) to do a few races up at Hamo and stay aboard a yacht. I lived on a 41'race boat for 6 years, cruised/raced east coast of Australia and sailed 8,000nm upwind across the Pacific with the yacht. I teach sailors ASA 101 - ASA 106 classes on how to cruise and live aboard yachts too. Plus, I have a US Coast Guard 50 Ton Captain's License, so I'm guaranteed to be responsible staying aboard your yacht. I'm a former member of Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, and currently member of Mission Bay Yacht Club in San Diego, CA and Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club in Oyster Bay, NY.