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Hamilton Island Race Week Forum

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Race Week Forum 

Here you can browse forum posts, find a crew, find a yacht or just connect with other sailors to ask questions or advice. Comments and posts on this forum cannot be commercial in nature - any such posts will be removed.

General > Looking for a Boat to Crew/Sleep on View modes: 
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ChrisSail - 13/07/2022 8:22:43 PM
Looking for a Boat to Crew/Sleep on
Hi All, I will be attending Hamilton Island Race Week but was unable to find accomodation so I am reaching out to find a boat I could use as accomodation for the week, I am also available to crew if needed. I am a young, experienced, male sailor from Melbourne. I own and regularly sail keelboats at RBYC and am competent in all positions on a boat. I am easy going, friendly and tidy. I am more than happy to contribute $$$ towards accomodation on-board and also more than happy to help out as much as possible. Please give me a call if you have anything available on 0400279360.